In connectMLS™, when you are adding a listing you will be asked to enter a County AcctNO/Ad#, or if you are viewing a listing, you will see a reference to a CAN #, but what is this number? This number is the property's Geographic ID found at the appraisal district. This number links the listing to the tax record.
Where can you find the County AcctNO/Ad# or CAN #?
In connectMLS™, you can navigate to Search>Tax. Select the county and type in the address of the property you are listing, click "View Results." The CAN # is listed under "CAN."
*Pro-Tip: When searching for the property and the address includes a Street, Drive, Ave, etc. leave it off your search. The reason for the recommendation is that some tax records have it listed as Street or it could be abbreviated (St.).
In the Courthouse Retrieval System (CRS), select the county and type in the address of the property you are listing, click submit. On the property report, the CAN # is referred to as the Parcel ID/Tax ID. If you were adding a listing, you would add the Parcel ID/Tax ID without the dashes.
At the appraisal district for the correlating county, you would navigate to their Property Search and type in the property address. I am going to use Bexar County as an example. On the property report, the CAN # is the Geographic ID.